There can be little argument than Stephen Cluxton has changed what it means to be a goal-keeper. His All-Ireland winning free taking aside his skills from the kicking tee, picking out runners with an accuracy previously unseen, have changed the role completely. So how dominant are Dublin at Kickouts?

Dublin Kickouts – Winning %


  • Since 2011, in 22 Championship games, Dublin have only had 3 games below the national average.
  • Only once have they lost more than they have won – Kerry 2011
  • 69% is there worst performance in the last 2 campaigns.
  • Last season teams at best won 1/4 of Dublin’s Kickouts.

Opposition Kickouts v Dublin

They are many games where Dublin kick the ball out a lot less than their opponents. So how do they fair when facing opposition Kickouts


  •  As you can clearly see – teams struggle. Laois winning just 25% of their own kickouts in 2012 is a stand-out.
  • Only 10 out of 22 games have the opposition beaten the average of 60%
  • Some teams have done quite well, noticeably Mayo (2013) & Laois (2014) but those big performances are few and far between.

While their dominance on their own kickouts is something of considerably note – it shouldn’t be underestimated how effective they are at stopping the opposition securing primary possession. Gives an idea of the task facing opposition teams visiting Croke Park.

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